字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>後頭的英文翻譯 “後頭”的日文翻譯


拼音:hòu tou


【醫】 poll


(1) (2) 脊椎動物或者昆蟲頭部的後部(3) 頭殼的後部(4) 見&ldqu... >>查看“後頭”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 常常寫在高等法院法官名字後頭
    Often put after the name of a high court judge justice
  2. 最冷的天氣還在後頭呢。
    The most severe weather is yet to come.
  3. "我們出門散步時,年紀大的人和孩子們總是落在後頭。"
    The elder people and children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
  4. 常常寫在高等法院法官名字後頭
    Often put after the name of a high court judge justice.
  5. 後頭骨下面以水平線分別細分。
    Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital
  6. 艱難的日子在後頭, 可是我們總能勉強對付過去。
    There is a difficult time ahead, but we'll rub through somehow
  7. 堅持下去,老兄,更困難的還在後頭呢!
    Hang in there old buddy; the worst is yet to come.
  8. 過去在完成定額方面我們常常落在別人後頭
    In the past we often fell bheind the others in meeting our quotas.
