字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>候選的英文翻譯


拼音:hòu xuǎn


【法】 candidate


清 制,京官自郎中以下,地方官自道員以下,凡初由考試或捐納入仕,以及原官因故開缺... >>查看“候選”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 歡迎各位候選者聯繫我們和線上諮詢TEL/QQ/MSN.
    Welcome online contact us by the TEL/QQ/MSN.
  2. 醞釀候選人名單
    consider and talk over the list of candidates
  3. 有一名保守黨候選人獲選。
    A Conservative candidate was returned
  4. 我必須拒絕偏袒任何一位候選人。
    I must decline to show favour to any of the candidates.
  5. 國家或民族的選舉;候選人在全選民中選擇。
    a national or state election; candidates are chosen in all constituencies
  6. 他暗示日本是強有力的候選國家。
    He indicated Japan as a strong candidate
  7. 射手座:成為你伴侶的候選人很多。
    Plentiful is the operative word regarding hooking up with a hot partner.
  8. 落選的候選人廖天文有些沮喪。
    Liao Tianwen, who failed to be elected, looked a bit disappointed
