字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>緩和的英文翻譯 “緩和”的日文翻譯


拼音:huǎn hé


palliate; ease up; relax; assuage; disarm; moderation; palliation; relaxation
【醫】 abirritate; alleviation; anesis; mitigate; obtund; pallation; palliate


(1) ∶使不再緊張;變和緩緩和緊張局勢(2) ∶作用或感官上溫和;減輕 >>查看“緩和”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 緩和,撫慰使和平、平靜和平息;撫慰
    To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.
  2. 他認出我們後, 焦慮的面容緩和下來, 露出歡迎的笑容。
    His worried face relaxed into a smile of greeting when he recognized us.
  3. FH-5A型加氫精制催化劑在緩和反應條件下的性能考察
    Performance of FH-5A hydrofining catalyst under mild reaction condition
  4. 我們之間的緊張狀況已經緩和一些。
    The tension between us has eased off a little.
  5. 這兩個小組下周將會面,試圖緩和危機。
    The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis.
  6. 那個老人的父親的慈愛緩和了她的恐懼心理。
    the gentleness and fatherliness of the strange old man eased her fears.
  7. 所有這些都證明,當前世界上根本沒有緩和,更不用說持久和平了。
    All this proves there is no detente,let alone lasting peace in this world.
  8. 旱情已趨緩和
    The drought has eased up.
