字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>劃破的英文翻譯


拼音:huá pò


lacerate; laceration
【醫】 amyxis; scarification; scarify


  1. 釘子從牆上伸出來把她的裙子劃破了。
    A nail stuck out from the wall and caught her by the dress
  2. 我的手指被一塊鋒利的石頭劃破了。
    I cut my finger on a sharp stone.
  3. 挫傷皮膚未被劃破的傷害;青腫
    An injury in which the skin is not broken; a bruise
  4. 我踩到了玻璃,劃破了腳。
    I trod on some glasses and cut my foot.
  5. 我最好的一條黑褲襪給劃破了。
    I have a snag in my best black tights
  6. 我最好的一條黑褲襪給劃破了。
    I have a snag in my best black tights.
  7. 我的計劃破產了。
    My plan was in tatters.
  8. 她被碎玻璃劃破了手指。
    She cut her finger on some broken glass.
