字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>恢復秩序的英文翻譯


拼音:huī fù zhì xù


【法】 restore order


  1. 他們下決心,盡全力恢復秩序
    They pulled out every stop in their determination to restore order.
  2. 一些軍官到場,設法恢復秩序
    Some officers appeared and tried to restore order.
  3. 恢復秩序必須採取嚴厲措施。
    Drastic measures will have to be take to restore orders.
  4. 我們必須採取遽烈的措施,以恢復秩序
    We must adopt drastic measures to restore order.
  5. 一艘巡洋艦被火速地派到該島恢復秩序
    A cruiser was dispatched to the island to restore order
  6. 老師很快使亂鬨鬨的班級恢復秩序
    The teacher soon reduced the noisy class to order.
  7. 部隊派一艘巡洋艦至該島以恢復秩序
    The army dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order
  8. 部隊派一艘巡洋艦至該島以恢復秩序
    The army dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order .
