字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>會期的英文翻譯 “會期”的日文翻譯


拼音:huì qī


time fixed for a conference


(1) ∶開會的日期(2) ∶會議的持續時間 >>查看“會期”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 會期定為四天 。
    The meeting is scheduled to last four days.
  2. 每四年舉行一次,與奧運會相間舉行。會期規定為16天。
    It is held once every four years, and it last for 16 days.
  3. 音樂會期間不準拍照。
    No photos can during the concert.
  4. 議院在最近一期的會期結束時才開始動作。
    The Legislature acted just before the end of its current session.
  5. 愛德華:我會期待的。
    Edward: I will expect the answer.
  6. 我們必須定出下次的會期
    We must appoint a time for the next meeting
  7. 我們必須定出下次的會期
    We must appoint a time for the next meeting .
  8. 畢竟您不會期望我們為產品促銷提供經費。
    After all, you can hardly expect us to finance your sale promotion.
