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拼音:huì rù


【醫】 abouchement


  1. 這條河在流向黃海的途中有11條小河匯入
    Eleven streams mingle in this river on its way to the Yellow Sea.
  2. 幾條小溪在注入大海的途中匯入這條河。
    Several streams mingle in this river on their way to the sea.
  3. IOV可分別匯入GV(80%)、ICV(10%)和BV(10%)。
    The IOV joined the GV (80%), the ICV (10%), or the BV (10%), respectively.
  4. 一條有大的溪流匯入的河
    A river into which a large stream debouches
  5. 廢水通過油脂分離器後匯入滲水坑。
    Grey water enters a soakaway via a grease trap
  6. 這條河流向西南,匯入大西洋。
    This river flowed southwest to the Atlantic Ocean.
