字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>婚姻的的英文翻譯


拼音:hūn yīn de


hymeneal; marital; married; nuptial
【醫】 marital; nuptial


1.matrimonially  2.nuptial  3.connubial  4.conjugal  


  1. 重婚罪在與一人有合法婚姻的同時與另一個人結婚的犯罪行為
    The criminal offense of marrying one person while still legally married to another.
  2. 史密斯先生寄了一封信給我。信是關於他兒子的婚姻的
    Mr Smith sent me a letter relating to his son's marriage.
  3. 婚姻的屬於婚禮或婚姻的,或與之有關的
    Of or relating to a wedding or marriage
  4. 這紙情書也可被看作是維持婚姻的良方。
    It was also a wonderful prescription for holding a marriage together
  5. 樂於互相遷就對婚姻的成功很重要。
    A willingness to give and take is important for success in marriage.
  6. 希伯來人婚姻的象徵。
    Hebrew emblem of marriage.
  7. 本應是一次美好的劇院之行卻在幾分鐘內導致了婚姻的破裂。
    A nice trip to the theatre reduced to marital disintegration in minutes
