字典網>> 漢英字典>> H開頭詞條>>獲利的的英文翻譯


拼音:huò lì de




  1. 表面看來,這是三方獲利的好事。
    Looking at it superficially, it is a good deal for the three parties
  2. 含有厚到可以開採並獲利的礦石或煤的地層。
    a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit
  3. 令我大為苦惱的是,我失去了一個獲利的好機會。
    Much to my vexation I just missed a chance of good profit
  4. 含有厚到可以開採並獲利的礦石或煤的地層。
    a stratum of ore or coal thick enough to be mined with profit.
  5. 為了快速獲利的劣質建築物的建築。
    construction of inferior buildings for a quick profit
  6. 他買下那鐵路股份是一項獲利的交易。
    His buying up that railroad stock was a stroke of business.
  7. 他買下那鐵路股份是一項獲利的交易。
    His buying up that railroad stock was a stroke of business
  8. 於: 我所說的獲利年度是指工廠獲利的年度。
    What I mean is the year when the plant gets profits.
