chance; crucial point; engine; machine; occasion; organic; pivot; planeflexible
【醫】 machine
機 (機) jī 事物發生的樞紐:生機。危機。轉(zhu僴 )機。契機。 對事...>>查看“機”在國語字典中的解釋
- 粒細胞集落刺激因子等三藥聯用對U937細胞作用機制的研究Study on the mechanism of CAG treatment to U937 cell
- 一中隊戰機脫離編隊攻擊敵轟炸機群。One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers.
- 你已有了改過自新的各種機會。You have had every chance to reform.
- 計算機輔助工程在化工機械中的套用Applications of Computer-Aided Engineering(CAE) in Chemical Machinery
- 航空跑道飛機通過的有限空間Restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft.
- 關係資料庫機查詢處理技術The Query Processing Technology of Relational Database Machines
- DU1250/1600壓力機飛輪現場平衡方法研究Research of Balancing on the Spot for Model DU1250/1600 Press Flywheel
- 控制機器運轉的機械裝置。a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine