字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>假的英文翻譯 “假”的日文翻譯



artificial; fake; false; furlough; holiday; if; sham
【計】 F
【醫】 pseud-; pseudo-


假 jiǎ 不真實的,不是本來的,與“真”相對:假山。假話。假冒。假釋。假死。...


  1. 裝不知道這訊息。
    She pretended not to have heard the news.
  2. 他決定休一天。
    He decided to take a day off from work.
  3. 熔融爐渣的分子
    molecular hypothesis of molten slags
  4. 羅馬
    Summer to Rome
  5. 之後就是一連串的下雨天,把我們的期弄得一團糟。
    Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation.
  6. 的第一天,孩子們早早就起床了。
    On the first day of the holidays, the boys were up with the lark.
  7. 為了想積攢些錢去度,往往就會出現經濟上的困難。
    Trying to save for a holiday is where the shoes pinches.
  8. 今晚只是裝吃飯,餐桌上什麼吃的也沒有。
    It is a pretend meal this evening, with nothing whatever on the table
