字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>假的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiǎ de


false; mock; bogus; fake; feint; phony; pseudo
【計】 spoofing
【醫】 bastard; factitious; spurious
【經】 straw


  1. 沒有請假的遲到或者缺席是很不禮貌的。
    It is impolite to be late or absent without asking for a leave
  2. 我失掉了他提供的免費在西班牙度假的機會。
    I missed out on his offer on a free holiday in Spain.
  3. 一個半真半假的胡言亂語者
    A babbler of half-truths
  4. 現在我們己證明他們的這套話是虛假的了。
    Now we have shown their story to be false.
  5. 皮特先生說他們該開始考慮他們休假的事了。
    Mr pitt said that it was time they began thinking about their holidays.
  6. 在海邊度假的
    A seaside vacationer
  7. 我想又該考慮度假的事了。
    I suppose it was time to start thinking about the summer holidays again.
  8. 本地的一些商店簡直是敲詐來度假的人(的錢).
    Some local shops are really fleecing the holiday-makers (of their money).
