字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>假冒的英文翻譯 “假冒”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiǎ mào


pass oneself off as; personate; sail under false colors
【法】 adulterate


(1) ∶以假充真只要人們以事實而不是以假冒為根據(2) ∶冒用其它商品牌名出售... >>查看“假冒”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 贗品,冒牌貨某種假冒的、不正當的、低劣的或來由有問題的東西
    Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.
  2. 他看上去像個郵遞員,但實際上是假冒的。
    He looks like a postman but he is really a fake
  3. 假冒警官應該被捕。
    I ought to be arrested for impersonating an officer.
  4. 他正研製的測試方法,可在數秒中內辨識出假冒的抗瘧疾藥物。
    Facundo Fernandez is a researcher at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
  5. 假冒,冒充為了欺騙而假冒身份
    To assume the identity of, with intent to deceive.
  6. 假冒地方當局檢查員進入住宅。
    He gained entrance to the house by impersonate a local authority inspector
  7. 偽造品,贗品假冒的,偽造的或騙人的東西
    Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent.
  8. 這些小孩都操著一副假冒的美國腔。
    The kids all put on a phoney American accent.
