字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>減弱的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiǎn ruò de


imperfect; subdued


  1. 暴風雪毫無減弱的跡象。
    The blizzard showed no sign of blowing itself out.
  2. 無衰減的;未減弱的,用於振盪
    Not tending toward a state of rest; not damped. Used of oscillations.
  3. 變得黑暗或者更黑暗,就像逐漸減弱的光亮或者被雲朵遮住一樣。
    becoming dark or darker as from waning light or clouding over.
  4. 減弱的強度由強到弱
    To or at a lower intensity.
  5. 專家預期,今年的經濟成長會有所減弱,但減弱的幅度會很小。
    Experts are predicting just a modest slowdown in growth this year
  6. 策略一種某人看起來優勢減弱的策略
    A stratagem in which one appears to decline an advantage.
  7. 傍晚從下午到夜晚日光逐漸減弱的時期
    The period of decreasing daylight between afternoon and night.
  8. 毫不減弱的暴風雨;全力展開的戰鬥
    An unabated windstorm; a battle fought with unabated violence
