字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交加的英文翻譯 “交加”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiāo jiā


occur simultaneously


(1) ∶兩種事物同時出現雷電交加(2) ∶交錯;錯雜交加之藤。—&... >>查看“交加”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 雷電交加
    lightning accompanied by peals of thunder; There was thunder and lightning.
  2. 風雪交加,給整個田野鋪上一條白色的地毯。
    A howling snowstorm blanketed the whole field with white
  3. 可憐的約翰處於風雨交加之中。
    Poor John was exposed to the wind and rain.
  4. 悲喜交加
    mingled feelings of joy and sorrow
  5. 暴風雨來時,雷電交加
    There are a lot of thunder and lightning during the storm.
  6. 在那個風雨交加的夜晚,很少有人敢出去。
    Very few people ventured to go out on that stormy night.
  7. 由於風雨交加她沒來。
    Her absence was due to the storm.
  8. 他貧病交加,處境困窘。
    He was in a sorry plight when he became ill and had no money.
