字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交流電源的英文翻譯


拼音:jiāo liú diàn yuán


【電】 a-c source


  1. 套用CMOS邏輯門控制交流電源
    To Control AC Supply Power with CMOS Logic Gate
  2. 基於單片機控制的航空測試用交流電源設計
    Design of an Aeronautic Test AC Power Supply Based on MCU
  3. 交流電源約瑟夫森系統的混沌定性分析
    chaos Qualitative Analysis of the Josephson System with Two AC Sources
  4. 切斷交流電源才能維修、洗清磁頭、壓輪等部件。
    Remove the AC supply lead before servicing or cleaning heads, roller etc.
  5. 拆除交流電源適配器的筆記本電腦.
    Remove the AC power adapter from the notebook PC.
  6. 生產檢驗之用的交流電源設備。
    Manufacturer of AC power source equipment for testing.
