字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>膠囊的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiāo náng de


【建】 capsular


  1. 患者只需吞下一種叫作M2A成像膠囊的小設備。
    The patient swallows a small device called the M2A imaging capsule
  2. 海藻酸鈉-殼聚糖-海藻酸鈉(ACA)微膠囊的蛋白質通透性研究
    Study on ACA Microcapsule Permeability with Proteins
  3. β-欖香烯ACA微膠囊的製備與性能研究
    Study on the Preparation and Properties of β-elemene ACA Microcapsules
  4. 甲醛浸漬法製備腸溶軟膠囊的條件最佳化
    Studies on the Preparation Conditions of Formaldehyde Dip Method
  5. 方法:以SD大鼠為受試對象,採用B liss法測定口服腰痛寧膠囊的LD50;
    Methods:LD_(50)were tested of YTNC in rats by Bliss methods.
  6. 大孔型NaCS-PDMDAAC生物微膠囊的製備
    Preparation of Macroporous NaCS-PDMDAAC Microcapsule
  7. 丹黃膠囊的薄層鑑別研究
    Determination on Danhuang Capsule by TLC
