字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交涉的英文翻譯 “交涉”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiāo shè


bargaining; negotiate; negotiation; palaver; treat


(1) ∶與他人相互協商以便對某事得出解決辦法在這問題上繼續與他交涉(2) ∶關... >>查看“交涉”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我們十分感謝貴公司有力的交涉
    We highly appreciate your efficient representations.
  2. 我方不反對,請按最佳方案進行交涉
    We unobjectionable please proceed negotiation as think best.
  3. 他在為一筆貨款進行交涉
    He is treating for a loan
  4. 雙方正就此事進行交涉
    The two sides are negotiating about it.
  5. 她的丈夫很嚴重的提出交涉了。
    her husband asked seriously, to start the negotiation.
  6. 什麼時候最適合與我的僱主交涉增加薪水?
    When is the best time to approach my employer about an increasing salary ?
  7. 明朝與朝鮮圍繞女真問題交涉論析
    Negotiations of Nǚzhen Nationality Issue between the Ming Dynasty and Korea
  8. 正與買主交涉中,對所提供的不感興趣;可否報價B型或C型?
    Buyer now in touch uninterested can you offer type b or c.
