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拼音:jiāo shǒu


fight hand to hand


(1) ∶雙方搏鬥(2) ∶拱手 (3) ∶手挽手交手東行 >>查看“交手”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 論外交手腕之精明, 我遠不是他的對手。
    He was more than my match in diplomatic shrewdness.
  2. 問題:我們在節禮日將與誰交手
    Which team do United play on boxing day?
  3. 派提特生涯與印地安人交手15次一共取得5勝7敗,466自責失分率。
    Pettitte is 5-7 with a 466 ERA in 15 career outings against Cleveland
  4. 被戰領土的移交手續。
    the handover of occupied territory.
  5. 他已辭職, 將在今日辦移交手續。
    He has resigned and will hand over charge of his office today.
  6. 手段,手腕一種情況嫻熟、細微地處理;有技巧和外交手段的巧計
    Skillful, subtle handling of a situation; tactful, diplomatic maneuvering.
  7. 處理事務的外交手
    the diplomatic handling of one's affairs
  8. 我們佩服她的外交手腕。
    We admire her for her diplomatic tact.
