字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>交通部的英文翻譯 “交通部”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiāo tōng bù


【經】 ministry of communications


  1. 總統任命他主管交通部
    The president set him over the Department of Communication.
  2. 你應該找交通部門。
    You should talk to the Transport Department.
  3. 交通部長一職設立於1966年。
    the post of Transportation Secretary was created in 1966.
  4. 交通部2004年已將長江江蘇段的“南通港、蘇州港、鎮江港、南京港”列為沿海主要港口。
    In 2004, the Ministry of Communications of the P.R.
  5. 擁有交通部部長職位的人。
    the person who holds the secretaryship of the Department of Transportation.
  6. 交通部的最高長官的職位。
    the position of the head of the Department of Transportation.
  7. 交通部門正警告人們當心大霧和暴風雪。
    The motoring organization is warning of thick mist and blowing snow.
