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【計】 verify


校正並測試檢驗 >>查看“校驗”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.checkout  2.verifycheck  3.verify  4.check  


  1. 一個二進制校驗位,例如奇偶位。
    A binary check digit; for example, a parity bit.
  2. 奇偶校驗位加在二進制碼上的一個標明奇偶數的位,用於檢驗數據的完整性
    A bit added to a binary code that indicates parity and is used to check the integrity of data.
  3. 用來檢查、糾正二進制信息序列在傳輸過程中出現的突發錯誤的一種循環校驗碼,它是計算機磁碟存儲器常用的錯誤校驗碼之一。
    A cyclic check code used to check and correct the burst error appeared in the transmission procedure of binary information sequence. It is one of the error check codes in common use for computer disc memory.
  4. 成績單OCR錄入系統中的自動校驗
    Automatic Verification of School Report Cards Input by the OCR System
  5. 通過與另一個標準來對比達到校驗的目的。
    verify by using a duplicate register for comparison
  6. CRC校驗及其在溫室測控系統中的套用
    CRC and Its Application in Measurement and Control System of Greenhouse
  7. 1-Wire器件通信機制和CRC校驗的實現
    The Implement of I -Wire Communication and CRC Verify
  8. 40位以內任意長度的CRC計算及校驗的實現
    Realization of 40Bit Arbitrary CRC Calculation and Verification
