字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>加強的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiā qiáng de


fortified; intensive


  1. B組常規餵養加強的松片6mg/(kg·d);
    group B fed normally plus 6mg/(kg·d) prednisolone;
  2. 輕音符介紹樂曲或作品的未加強的一個或多個音符
    The unstressed note or notes introductory to a phrase or composition
  3. 我們面對著敵人加強的攻勢;儘管我們做出了加倍的努力。
    we faced redoubled attacks from the enemy; despite our redoubled efforts.
  4. 托架支撐或加強的東西
    Something that supports or bolsters.
  5. 一個小的附帶的炮台(通常是加強的)。
    a small enclosed emplacement (usually of fortified concrete)
  6. 輕音符介紹樂曲或作品的未加強的一個或多個音符
    The unstressed note or notes introductory to a phrase or composition.
  7. 加強變強或加強的行為;加強
    The act of becoming intense or more intense; intensification.
  8. 網路市場應該是對行銷渠道有加強的作用吧?
    Does the E-market strengthen the function of the place of the marketing?
