字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>加深的英文翻譯 “加深”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiā shēn


【計】 emboldening


程度增加他們之間的積怨加深了 >>查看“加深”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 他在講話中不斷加深人們的仇恨。
    He continued to stoke up hatred in his speeches.
  2. 我通常的方法就是防線加深,陣形加寬。
    My usual approach is to deepen the defensive line and widen the formation.
  3. 我們將發起一次廣告宣傳運動以加深消費者對該產品的印象。
    We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign
  4. 用挖掘機清除、加深或加寬
    To clean, deepen, or widen with a dredge.
  5. 兩個辛辣的諷刺加深了這種暗淡。
    Two bitter ironies serve to deepen the gloom.
  6. 我們將發起一次廣告宣傳運動以加深消費者對該產品的印象。
    We will try to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign.
  7. 隨著年歲的增長,人們的自我認識也不斷加深
    Knowledge of self increases as one gets older.
  8. 冰草種子在蠟熟期時休眠程度明顯加深 ,隨後又減弱。
    The seed dormancy level of A.
