字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>假使的英文翻譯 “假使”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiǎ shǐ


if; in case; supposing


提出一種假設,相當於“如果”、“假如&rdq... >>查看“假使”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我們象魚兒般喝個不停,假使喝水可以那么形容的話。
    We drink like a fish, if drinking nothing but water can be so described.
  2. 假使你現在就上床睡覺,我就念個睡前故事給你聽。
    If you go to bed now, I’ve read you a bedtime story
  3. 假使你太忙以致沒工夫笑,那你就真是太忙了。
    If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.
  4. 假使你是只鳥, 你便會飛了。
    If you were a bird, you could fly
  5. 假使他不在, 我們將怎么辦呢?
    Supposing he is absent, what shall we do?
  6. 假使我們分析一個以英文為母語的小孩—喬治的數據。
    Suppose that we analyzing data of an L1-English child, George.
  7. 假使我們長此以往,準要搞出赤字來。
    If we went on like this, we will surely go into the red.
  8. 假使有超過5%的差異,提出簡略說明。
    If there is a variance of more than 5%, provide a brief explanation.
