字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>介入的英文翻譯 “介入”的日文翻譯


拼音:jiè rù


get involved; interpose; interposition; intervene; intervention
【電】 insertion


進入事件之中進行干預介入無原則的爭論 >>查看“介入”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 介入他們之間想勸他們別打了。
    He interposed himself between them to stop them fighting.
  2. 調停介入到爭吵的雙方中;干預
    To come between the parties in a dispute; intervene
  3. 我們在此階段介入似不甚妥
    It seems inappropriate for us to intervene at this stage
  4. 機器和機器直接進行對話,不用人類的介入
    Machines will talk to machines without human intervention.
  5. 不要讓這樣的小事介入我們之間。
    Let such trifle not intervene between us.
  6. 這件事既不是“溫和而合情合理的”也不是“骯髒得不可介入的”。
    The matter is neither "sweetness and light" not "too dirty to get into."
  7. 介入了一場辯論。
    He interposed in a dispute
  8. 每當人們發生爭議時, 他總是不想介入
    Whenever there arises a controversy, he tries to keep his feet clean of it.
