字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>介紹的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiè shào de


introductive; introductory


  1. 介紹的屬於、關於、或組成介紹的
    Of, relating to, or constituting an introduction.
  2. 你上次給我介紹的秘書真是差勁極了。
    That last secretary you sent me was really from the bottom of the barrel.
  3. 沒有,我上份工作是我舅舅介紹的
    Jennifer: No, my uncle got me my last job.
  4. 本文介紹的手術設計和手術方法強化了手術效果,突出了面部“S”形曲線美。
    Assistant plastic surgeries remodel facial contour of “S”line for Chinese.
  5. 我相信你今天給我們介紹的情況對我們將是一個很大的促進。
    What you have passed on to us today will help us on very much , I am sure .
  6. 介紹的方式很重要。
    The manner of presentation is highly important
  7. (沒有人介紹的情況下)設法結識(某人);極力(同某人)結交
    Scrape up an acquaintance with sb.
  8. 介紹介紹的動作或過程或者是被介紹時的狀態
    The act or process of introducing or the state of being introduced.
