字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>忌諱的英文翻譯 “忌諱”的日文翻譯


拼音:jì huì


abstain from; taboo


力求避免某些可能產生不利後果的事學習忌諱有始無終 >>查看“忌諱”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 得了痢疾忌諱吃生冷油膩食物。
    People suffering from dysentery must avoid raw, cold or greasy food.
  2. 忌諱的話題往往會使人尷尬。
    Taboo topics tend to make people feel uneasy.
  3. 許多穆斯林聲稱伊斯蘭忌諱/禁止展示先知的肖像。
    Many Muslims say Islam bars showing any images of the prophet.
  4. 對於許多人來說,“妥協”是個忌諱字眼。
    To many people “compromise” is a dirty word
  5. 忌諱
    offend a person's sensitivity; touch a person's sore spot
  6. 對於許多人來說,“妥協”是個忌諱字眼。
    To many people “compromise” is a dirty word.
  7. [諺]在有人被吊死的人家,千萬別談起繩子;別提起人家忌諱的東西。
    Mention not a halter in the house of him that was hanged
  8. 有些人非常忌諱黑色或白色的東西。
    Black and white objects strike terror in the hearts of some.
