字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>機靈的英文翻譯 “機靈”的日文翻譯


拼音:jī líng


know a move or two; know a trick or two; smartness; touch; up to a move or two


(1) 聰明伶俐,機智機靈鬼(2) 也作“機伶” >>查看“機靈”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 機靈之舉
    a pretty move
  2. 傑克是一個機靈的外僑。
    Both of them never touched alcohol.
  3. 小心托德,他是個機靈詭詐(或:一意孤行)的人。
    Beware of Todd He’s a wheeler-dealer
  4. 她知道彼得可以勤奮些、機靈些的。
    She knows Peter to be industrious and clever.
  5. 俏皮話機靈的或聰明的語言交換;巧妙的應答
    Witty or clever verbal exchange; repartee.
  6. 智勝以狡猾的方法取得…的優勢;比…更機靈
    To gain the advantage over by cunning; outwit.
  7. 我的小女兒非常機靈
    My little daughter’s as bright as a button.
  8. 你真機靈,一下子就注意到這一細節。
    It was very sharp of you to notice that detail straight away .
