字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>禁的英文翻譯 “禁”的日文翻譯



ban; bear; imprison; prohibit; restain oneself; stand; taboo


禁 jīn 受得住,耐久:禁受。禁得住。禁不起。弱不禁風。 忍耐,制止:不禁笑...


  1. 部長已經解除對火器出口的貿易令。
    The minister has lifted the embargo on the export of firearms.
  2. 洛杉磯校方銷碳酸飲料
    L.A. schools ban sodas
  3. 當我見到他們是怎樣把它破壞時, 我不大為憤慨。
    I was more than a little angry when I saw how they'd ruined it
  4. 如果所有形式的安樂死都是錯誤的,那就應該統統列入止之列。
    If all forms of mercy-killing are wrong, they should remain taboo.
  5. 在該學校之中訴諸武力是被止的。
    Resort to force is forbidden in this school.
  6. 他曾被游擊隊囚
    He had been held a prisoner by the guerrillas
  7. 強制實行的武器銷售
    the prohibition imposed on the sale of arms
  8. 因為他有些疑問,他不住向他們提問。
    Having a lot of doubts, he can not help asking them questions
