字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>近點的英文翻譯


拼音:jìn diǎn


【醫】 near points; P. P.; puncta proximum


  1. 因此她倒車,靠得更近點
    So she backed up and pulled closer.
  2. 近點圍繞任何物體的橢圓軌道上離被圍繞物最近的一點
    The point in any orbit nearest to the body being orbited.
  3. 你能不能稍微再挪近點
    Could you move a fraction closer
  4. 我想找個近點兒的地方,或至少在方便的公共汽車線路上。
    I want a place close by, or at least on a convenient bus route.
  5. 好的,你喜歡坐得離舞台近點兒嗎?
    Yes.Would you like to sit close to the stage?
  6. 過來近點,讓我好好看看你。
    Come close so than I can see you.
  7. 我想找個近點兒的地方,或至少在方便的公共汽車線路上。
    I want a place close by, or at least on a convenient bus route
  8. 調節近點與近視眼的相關性研究
    A correlation study between near-point accommodation and myopia
