字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>頸背的英文翻譯


拼音:jǐng bèi


nape; poll; scruff
【醫】 nape; nape of neck; nucha; scruff of neck


1.nuque  2.nucha  3.napeofneck  4.backofneck  


  1. 大貓叼著小貓的頸背
    The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck.
  2. 她抓著我的頸背把我扔了出去。
    She grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me out.
  3. 他親吻她的頸背
    He kissed her on the nape of her neck.
  4. 他親吻她的頸背.
    He kissed her on the nape of her neck.
  5. 大貓叼著小貓的頸背.
    The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck
  6. 她將長發在頸背處紮成一個蝴蝶結。
    She tied her long hair in a bow at the nape of her neck
  7. 她抓著我的頸背把我扔了出去.
    She grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and threw me out.
  8. 酒吧男招待一把揪住她的頸背,將她扔了出去。
    The barman took her by the scruff of the neck and threw her out.
