字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>經濟援助的英文翻譯


拼音:jīng jì yuán zhù


【經】 economic aid


  1. 她放棄了她叔叔對她的經濟援助
    She dispensed with the financial support of her uncle.
  2. 希臘的存亡繫於一髮,無論如何都要尋求財政和經濟援助,以繼續購買食品、衣物、燃料和種子。
    Greece is in desperate need of financial and economic assistance to enable it to resume purchases of food, clothing, fuel, and seeds.
  3. NYU這個計畫沒有為學生提供經濟援助
    NYU offers no financial aid for international students in this program.
  4. 她放棄了她叔叔對她的經濟援助
    She dispensed with the financial support of her uncle
  5. 按優惠條件提供的經濟援助
    economic assistance given on liberal terms
  6. 政府計畫削減對依附國的經濟援助
    The government is going to cut back on economic aid to client states.
  7. 經濟援助者依賴於別人,尤其是經濟援助的人
    One who relies on another especially for financial support.
