字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>精心的的英文翻譯


拼音:jīng xīn de


elaborate; elaborative; meticulous; painstaking


1.elaborative  2.thorough  


  1. 這是一種精心的設計。
    It's an elaborate design.
  2. 他描述了一個精心的攻擊計畫。
    He drew an elaborate plan of attack.
  3. “通過精心的策劃,他已經挽回了……一個十分嚴重的損失”(塞繆爾·巴特勒)
    By a brilliant coup he has retrieved a rather serious lossSamuel Butler)
  4. 科學家們為人類登入月球做了一項精心的計畫。
    The scientist make an elaborate plan for landing a man on the moon
  5. 磚石工藝是一種精心的技藝。
    Masonry is a careful skill
  6. 服務員漫不精心的態度
    at the casualness of the waiter.
  7. 科學家們為人類登入月球做了一項精心的計畫。
    The scientist make an elaborate plan for landing a man on the moon.
  8. 上周在她組織的派對上,大家都做了精心的打扮。
    Last week at her bash, everyone was dressed to the nines.
