字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>極其的英文翻譯 “極其”的日文翻譯


拼音:jí qí


extremely; most; plaguily; tarnal; to kill


非常;極端極其關心 >>查看“極其”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 這是一些影響每個人幸福的極其重要的決定。
    These were vital decisions that bore upon the happiness of everybody.
  2. 害人蟲,蟊賊被視為極其令人憎惡的人
    A person considered loathsome or highly offensive
  3. 瑪麗和她的姐妹極其相像。
    Mary bears a striking resemblance to her sister
  4. 我兒子極其輕鬆地通過了法文考試,但數學考試則勉強通過。
    My son passed his French exam easily but only scraped through maths.
  5. 這地毯極其耐用。
    The carpet will stand any amount of wear.
  6. 對大火的描述極其生動。
    The description of the fire is very effective
  7. 他為一件極其麻煩的意外事件所困。
    He was plagued by a very discommodious accident
  8. 極其舊的看起來仿佛屬於很早的時期的。
    so extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period.
