字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>機器的的英文翻譯


拼音:jī qì de


【計】 mechanized


  1. 對這種類型機器的新訂貨幾乎全部停止了。
    New orders for these types of machine have almost dried up.
  2. 機器的下部
    The under parts of a machine.
  3. 機器的驅動和調節部分。
    the driving and regulating parts of a mechanism (as of a watch or clock).
  4. 我們能用減少摩擦來增加機器的效率。
    We can increase the efficienty of machines by reducing friction.
  5. 要定期給這部機器的運轉部件上油。
    Oil the moving parts of this machine regularly.
  6. 從發動機傳送運動到機器的帶子。
    a belt that carries motion from a motor to the machinery.
  7. 在工廠的附近,我們便能夠聽到機器的聲響了。
    We could hear the clatter of machinery when we were near the factory.
  8. 機器的隆隆聲
    the purr of an engine.
