字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>酒的的英文翻譯


拼音:jiǔ de


【醫】 vinic; vinous


1.vinic  2.winey  3.vinous  


  1. 酒的狂歡者;酒神的獻祭者。
    a drunken reveller; a devotee of Bacchus
  2. 允許販酒的國家
    A wet county
  3. 酒鬼是酒的奴隸。
    A drunkard is in bondage to alcohol.
  4. 箴23:30就是那流連飲酒、常去尋找調和酒的人。
    They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine.
  5. 馬姆齊葡萄用以釀製馬姆齊甜酒的葡萄
    A grape from which malmsey wine is made
  6. 他朝著吧檯走去,又托著放著酒的托盤迴來。
    She goes to the bar counter and comes back with the drinks on a tray.
  7. 裝啤酒的容器,如桶或酒罐
    A container, such as a pail or pitcher, that is used for carrying beer
  8. 他用糖來降低酒的濃度。
    He used sugar to break down the spirits.
