字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>基因的的英文翻譯


拼音:jī yīn de


【醫】 genic


  1. 江浙蝮蛇磷脂酶A_2基因的多樣性研究
    Research on the Diversity of PLA 2 Gene from Agkistrodon halys Pallas
  2. 非洲獅朊蛋白基因的克隆與序列分析
    Cloning and sequence analysis of prion protein gene in African lion
  3. 水稻抗褐飛虱基因的研究
    Research progress on brown planthopper resistance genes in rice
  4. 肝細胞癌p53基因的分子病理研究
    A Molecular Pathological Study on p53 Gen inHepatocellular Carcinoma
  5. 胸膜肺炎放線桿菌APXⅡA基因的克隆及序列測定
    Cloning and sequencing of APXⅡA gene of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
  6. 摘要目的了解哺乳動物性別決定基因的作用與功能。
    Objective To explore the function of sex-determining gene of the mammal.
  7. 套用PRINS技術定位黃鱔Hox基因的研究
    Chromosomal Localization of Rice Field Eel Hox Genes by PRINS
  8. 基因晶片研究與衰老相關免疫基因的表達
    Study of immune-associated genes in the aged rats by cDNA microarray
