字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>拒的英文翻譯



refuse; reject; repel; resist


  1. 資方有權絕接納。
    The management reserves the right to refuse admission.
  2. 我腦中有一閃念,以為他要絕了。
    Just for an instant I thought he was going to refuse.
  3. 桌上那包糖果對那孩子是個難以抗的誘惑。
    The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.
  4. 當時我以為她要絕,但最後她卻同意了。
    At one point I thought she was going to refuse, but in the end she agreed.
  5. 他真是愚蠢,竟會絕做那份名報的新聞記者。
    It is stupid of him to refuse a job as a reporter on that well known newspaper.
  6. 絕他的建議是明智的。
    It was wise of you to refuse his offer.
  7. 我看還是絕為好。
    I deem it proper to refuse.
  8. 他的自私讓他絕了我的請求。
    His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.


拒的意思 拒 ù 抵擋,抵抗:拒守。拒敵。抗拒。 不接受:拒絕。拒諫(拒絕勸諫)。來者不拒。 古同“矩”,方陣。 筆畫數:; 部首:扌; 筆順編號:
