字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>具的英文翻譯 “具”的日文翻譯



tool; utensil; possess; provide


具 jù 器物:器具。 備有:具備。具有。別具隻眼(形容具有獨到的眼光和見解)...


  1. 有模仿的特點或者不慣於模仿。
    not marked by or given to imitation.
  2. 大師可以製造拾取綁定的鎖甲和板甲。
    Armorsmithing can make a mail BP and a plate BP
  3. 處理計量器外部檢定或校準業務。
    To handle outside gage verification or calibration.
  4. 必需胺基酸,有促進胰島素分泌的作用。
    It has necessary aminophenol which can accelerate the exudation of insulin.
  5. 犁形工一種功能相似的工,如除雪犁
    An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow
  6. 有象花崗岩一樣屬性的事物(有堅硬、不彎曲、堅定的屬性)。
    something having the quality of granite (unyielding firmness).
  7. 大都市的生活對年輕人頗誘惑力。
    The life in a big city is alluring for the young people
  8. 兒童需要有自己的玩
    Children need toys of their own.
