字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>決定因素的英文翻譯


拼音:jué dìng yīn sù


【醫】 determinant; determiner


  1. 年齡和經驗是我們選擇候選人的決定因素
    Age and experience will be determining factors in our choice of candidate.
  2. 評價CPR效果的基本決定因素是什麼?
    What is the primary determinant of CPR effectiveness?
  3. 滲透係數大小是抽水和回灌難易程度的決定因素
    The permeability coefficient is the key factor to pumping and injection.
  4. 戰爭勝負的決定因素是人不是武器。
    It is man, and not any weapons, that decides the outcome of a war
  5. 決定因素是零的正方形矩陣。
    a square matrix whose determinant is zero
  6. 決定因素最終的解決或結帳
    A final settlement or reckoning.
  7. 這次會議能否成功,決定因素不只一個。
    The success of the meeting pivots on more than one factor.
  8. 換言之,人才是最後的決定因素
    In other words, the quality of the candidates was the decisive factor.
