拼音:jù mù chǎng 英文解釋:
(1) ∶裝備有鋸原木的機動機械的工廠(2) ∶專門將原木截鋸成大型木材的工廠... >>
查看“鋸木廠”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
timbermill 2.
sawingmill 3.
lumber-mill 4.
sawmill 相關對話:
- 普魯士士兵在鋸木廠後邊草地上操練。
The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.
- 他有一個鋸木廠。
He has a lumber-mill.
- 那家鋸木廠有很多鋸木工。
There are many sawyers in that sawmill.
- 產量鋸木廠的產量
The output of a sawmill
- 產量鋸木廠的產量
The output of a sawmill.
- 這些木材被拖到了鋸木廠。
The timber was snaked to sawmills.
- 木材順著河道漂流到鋸木廠。
The logs fell down the river to the saw-mill.
- 我可以聽到普魯士士兵在鋸木廠後邊草地上操練的聲音。
I could hear the Prussians drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.