字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>君的英文翻譯 “君”的日文翻譯



don; gentleman; monarch; sovereign


君 jūn 封建時代指帝王、諸侯等:君主。君子(a.舊指貴族、統治者及其代言人...


  1. 他是個鐵石心腸的暴
    He was a despot with a heart of granite.
  2. 喜歡施展他的權威。
    The tyrant like to exert his authority.
  3. 虛有其表的偽
    a specious hypocrite
  4. 說,我已經立我的在錫安我的聖山上了。
    But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion.
  5. 賢明的國能把人民的利益和個人的成功看成是一致的。
    A good king identifies the interest of his people with his own prosperity
  6. (張,你覺得咱們的校園網怎么樣?)
    M : Zhang Jun, what do you think of the campus network?
  7. 摩洛哥是個有主權而獨立的主國。
    Morocco is a sovereign independent monarchy
  8. 想不到我們又遇見了;天涯原咫尺,此地又逢
    The world is but a little place, after all
