字典網>> 漢英字典>> J開頭詞條>>矩陣法的英文翻譯


拼音:jǔ zhèn fǎ


【計】 matrix method; matrix technique


  1. 矩陣法作Ⅲ級機構的運動分析
    Kinematic Analysis of Mechanisms of Class III by Matrix Method
  2. 剛架結構靜力分析的傳遞矩陣法
    The Transfer Matrix Method of Analysis on Statics to Rigid-Framed Structure
  3. 分光光度分析的CPA矩陣法編程
    Programming of CPA-matrix Method in the Spectrophotometric Determination
  4. 漢字無級放大子矩陣法
    A Submatrix Method for Stepless Amplification of Chinese Character
  5. 剛架結構動力分析的傳遞矩陣法
    The Method of Transfer Matrix on Dynamics Analysis of Frame Structure
  6. 大規模均值方差資產組合最佳化的逆矩陣法
    An Algorithm Based on Inverse Matrix for Large Scale Portfolio Optimization
  7. 求最小生成樹的鄰接矩陣法
    Adjacent Matrix Algorithm to Solve Minimum Spanning Tree
