字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>咖啡杯的英文翻譯


拼音:kā fēi bēi


coffee cup


  1. 咖啡杯;咖啡研磨器
    A coffee cup; a coffee grinder.
  2. 咖啡杯放在一張古色古香的備用小桌上。
    The coffee cups were placed on an antique occasional table.
  3. 桌子上有三個大咖啡杯
    There are three coffee mugs on the table.
  4. 咖啡杯用來裝濃咖啡的小型咖啡杯
    The small cup used to serve this drink.
  5. 一個小咖啡杯套在他的腦袋上就像寬邊帽一樣合適。
    A demitasse would fit his head like a sombrero
  6. 在一個銅製咖啡杯子中有適量的咖啡。
    A cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup .
  7. 咖啡杯到航空零件,陶瓷製品在我們身邊隨處可見。
    From coffee mugs to air plane parts, ceramics are all around us.
