字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>開放的的英文翻譯


拼音:kāi fàng de


exoteric; open
【醫】 open; patent; patulous


1.gymnotremoid  2.open(circuit)  3.ope  4.exoterical  5.open-end  6.openable  


  1. 服務員貼出列明已開放的滑雪道的告示。
    The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open.
  2. 間隙空曠或開放的空間
    A clear or open space.
  3. 學校對來訪者開放的那一天,所有的家長成群地去了。
    On the day the school was opened to visitors, all the parents turned out in force.
  4. 開放的性觀念形成鮮明對比的是,學生們所掌握的性知識非常貧乏。
    Contrasting with the openness about sex is a lack of sexual knowledge
  5. 一排排開放的杜鵑花
    banks of rhododendrons in bloom
  6. 活躍的人快樂的,尤指當代社會中的思想開放的
    A gay person, especially an openly gay person in contemporary society
  7. 這是在槍擊暴行三天后的今天早晨重新開放的
    It re-opened this morning, three days after a shooting rampage
  8. 所以,我們改革、開放的政策不可能放棄,甚至於不可能放慢。
    So we must not abandon these policies or even slow them down.
