字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>開眼的英文翻譯 “開眼”的日文翻譯


拼音:kāi yǎn


open one's eyes; widen one's view


看到新奇或美好的、珍貴的事物,增長見聞這樣的好風景,來一趟真開眼 >>查看“開眼”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她來到外面的台階上,強烈的陽光照得她有些睜不開眼睛。
    She came out on the steps, squinting a little at the bright sunlight.
  2. 台灣北部海岸的景色,對每一位觀光客來說是大開眼界。
    The scenery along the northern coast of Taiwan is a delight to every visitor.
  3. 我的眼睛裡掉進什麼東西去了,現在睜不開眼
    Something has tumbled into my eye; I can't open it now.
  4. 愉快地笑,眉開眼
    To smile expansively.
  5. 我暈倒了……當我睜開眼睛時,我已到了蒙特婁。
    I passed out!... When I opened my eyes, I was in Montreal."
  6. 當我睜開眼睛時,你猜我看見了誰?
    As I opened my blinkers, guess who I saw?
  7. 她來到外面的台階上,強烈的陽光照得她有些睜不開眼睛。
    She came out on the steps, squinting a little at the bright sunlight
  8. 巴黎的服裝廣告使他大開眼界。
    The advertisements of costume in Paris broadened his outlook.
