字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>看戲的英文翻譯


拼音:kàn xì


playgoing; theatregoing


(1).觀劇;聽戲。 宋 楊無咎 《蝶戀花》詞:“對酒不妨同看戲,他日功名 晏... >>查看“看戲”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 你們想看戲,就得排隊買票。
    If you want to see the play , you will have to queue up for tickets .
  2. 昨晚我們一群人到劇院去看戲了。
    A group of us go out to the theater last night
  3. 她就是愛看戲
    She adores going to the theater.
  4. 老倆口酷愛看戲
    The old couple were enamoured of the theatre.
  5. 他要帶我去看戲
    He will take me to go to see the drama.
  6. 你願意去跳舞還是去看戲
    Which will you rather do--go dancing or go to a play?
  7. 我們有幾個人昨天去看戲了。
    Several of us went to the theatre yesterday.
  8. 我們今晚去看戲好嗎?
    Shall we go to the theatre this evening?
