字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>科目的英文翻譯 “科目”的日文翻譯


拼音:kē mù


course; subject


(1) (2) 學術等按不同性質劃分的類別(3) 學校教學中指課程名目(4) 古... >>查看“科目”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 學科;科目知識或教學的分支
    A branch of knowledge or teaching.
  2. 受訓人員所學的每一科目都必須參加考試。
    A trainee must take exam in each topic he work on
  3. 多數時候,他們只想知道應該選讀什麼科目
    In most cases, people just want to know what they should study.
  4. 我的主修科目是法文。
    My major is French.
  5. 科目類別「會計」中,有7項符合的查詢結果,以下是第1-7項。
    Results 1 - 7 of 7 for in the subject area "Accounting".
  6. 他強迫兒子們讀他們不喜歡的科目
    He compelled his sons to study the subjects they did not like.
  7. 圖書館的書是按照科目分類的.
    The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
  8. (教授校外科目的)教師
    Teacher of other subjects taughtoutside school
