字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>可惜的英文翻譯 “可惜”的日文翻譯


拼音:kě xī


it is a pity; it is too bad; pity


憐惜;愛惜他不願吃那些零七八碎的東西,可惜那些錢。——老... >>查看“可惜”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 我參加不了這次聚會了, 真可惜!
    I shall have to miss the party, worse luck
  2. 非常可惜。。。
    It is a thousand-ties that
  3. 我該怎么辦?真可惜
    28 What shall I do 29 What a pity!
  4. “真可惜。”
    well and good—”“What a pity!
  5. 我們的前鋒取得一個有利的位置射門,可惜沒有射中。
    Our striker got into a good position to shoot,but then missed his kick.
  6. 她沒來,我感到很可惜
    I feel regret at her absence.
  7. 像這樣完好的牛奶紙袋扔掉實在可惜
    A milk carton like this is just too good to just throw away
  8. 喔,真可惜。你應該呆久一點。
    Oh, what a shame You should stay longer
