字典網>> 漢英字典>> K開頭詞條>>口令的英文翻譯 “口令”的日文翻譯


拼音:kǒu lìng


countersign; password; sign and countersign; watchword
【計】 password


(1) ∶在看不清的時候識別敵我的口頭暗號(2) ∶戰鬥、練兵或做體操時以簡短術... >>查看“口令”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 基於一次性口令技術的電子郵件代理伺服器設計
    The design of E-mail proxy server Based on the one-time password technology
  2. 我們等待你的口令
    We await your command.
  3. 暗號預先安排好的回答警衛或哨兵提問的話;口令
    A prearranged reply to a challenge, as from a guard or sentry; a password
  4. 稍息用於讓隊伍呈放鬆姿勢的口令
    Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position
  5. 口令口令或暗號
    A verbal signal; a password or watchword
  6. 你必須給出口令,他們才會讓你進去。
    You must give the password before they’ll let you in.
  7. 一種簡單的遠程動態口令認證方案
    A simple scheme for remote dynamic password authentication
  8. 2該帳戶名和口令只限本人或本部門使用,不得私自轉用或告訴他人。
    1 each one user has a windows account number and password
